As we move from winter’s cold to the warmer days of spring, the earth seems to come alive!
In the vineyard, renewal comes in the form of new life. Small buds emerge and bright green leaves unfurl marking the start of the growing season; fruit trees are blooming and the ground is covered in a thick emerald carpet. Hawks are sitting their nests, honey bees are beginning to emerge and make their presence known, and animal babies appear – from squirrels to mountain lions and every large and small creature in between.
Spring is a time to take stock of our lives. We begin assess challenges and look forward to new opportunities ahead. Spring is a good time to “clean house,” weed the garden, and check in to see if we are adhering to those New Year’s resolutions we set our intentions on when the year began.
Am I rambling…? Maybe – but perhaps that is also a part of spring when the sun infects the senses and the perfume of flowers in bloom transport us into a new season.
May your spring bring you joy and enduring hope!
– Tracey Hawkins
Hawk and Horse Vineyards Winemaker